Shakespeare & Company bookstore, Paris, France

Friday, March 26, 2010

10's, Week 9

10 "Verbal Photographs":

  • A white note card on the speckled, gray concrete sidewalk that simply reads "leap".
  • Three giant post-consumer plastic bags hanging on a wood fence, each labeled for the appropriate plastic they contain (by number: 1, 2, 3).
  • Ten pairs of shoes lined up in a row along the wall next to the front door.
  • A mannequin head on display in a vintage store window, pale-faced with bright blue painted eyes, elaborate with painted eyelashes and rosy cheeks.
  • A team of women pick up the countless necklaces off the shop floor from the fallen shelves.
  • A line of people waiting outside State Theatre, under the neon-lit marquee that reads "CLOCKWORK ORANGE MIDNIGHT TIX SIX BUX."
  • Various antique family glassware, stacked inside cardboard boxes, newspaper separating one piece from another.
  • Globs of green toothpaste stick to the porcelain sink bowl, left for someone else to clean.
  • A stack of pristine, white paper waits uniformly in the top of the gray printer for the day it will be called to service.
  • A refrigerator filled with brown paper sacks, Tupperware, and stacked Styrofoam containers of wasted food that will wait until garbage day.
10 "Treasures":

  • "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." --Nelson Mandela (from an Honest Tea lid)
  • "Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use." --Wendell Johnson (from and Honest Tea lid)
  • "Choose being kind over being right and you'll be right every time." --Richard Carlson (from an Honest Tea lid)
  • "Consider the letters of the alphabet and all of their various phonetic interpretations. Each individual character has its own history, its own stages of evolution, and its own place among the others. Some stand alone and others are hopelessly paired. Some are virtually unemployed while others are over-worked and abused." --Anatole France, "Alphabet" from The Garden of Epicurus (read from The Arcades Project)
  • "Randomness: There are an infinite number of random entry points to this project. It can be accessed in countless contexts. Try going here and seeing that you can find interesting in the list of keywords." --The Arcades Project
  • "The relationship between the mental landscape of the interior and the physical landscape of the exterior is a crucial aspect of the flaneur narrator's effectiveness as a literary device." --Walter Benjamin (from The Arcades Project, an analysis of Thoreau)
  • "To great writers, finished works weigh lighter than those fragments on which they labor their entire lives." --Walter Benjamin
  • "In a shop on the Rue LEgendre, in Batingnolles, a whole serious of female busts, without heads or legs, with curtain hooks in place of arms and a percaline skin of arbitrary hue--bean brown, glaring pink, hard black--are lined up like a row of onions, impaled on rods, or set out on tables. . . The sight of this ebb tide of bosoms, the Musee Curtius of breasts, puts on vaguely in mind of those vaults in the Louvre where classical sculptures are housed, when one and the same torso, eternally repeated, beguiles the time for those who look over it, with a yawn, on rainy days. . ." --J.K. Huysmans, Croquis Parisiens (from The Doll, The Automaton)
  • "Boredom waits for death." --Johann Peter Hebel
  • "Waiting is life." --Victor Hugo

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