Shakespeare & Company bookstore, Paris, France

Saturday, March 13, 2010

10's, Week 8

10 "Verbal Photographs":

  • A grey-haired man in black robe behind a desk, centered between the American flag and Michigan's state flag, speaking to a man miles away via the 40" LCD television mounted on the wall.
  • A blue sign overhead that reads, "Aisle 9: Breakfast Foods, Candy, Healthy Living."
  • A closet rack tangled with hangers and shirts, with neat stacks of folded clothes above on the shelf.
  • A gray unshapely stain on the concrete, the wet shadow of ice once there.
  • The brown and gold couch pillows scattered all over the living room carpet, like stepping stones.
  • A white ceramic bowl sprinkled in ashes and crumpled up cigarette butts like a battlefield.
  • Burgundy water, white with foam, running down the bathtub drain as she rinses her hair under the running water.
  • Seven brown boxes stacked crookedly on top of one another and banished to the corner of the room.
  • A red plastic box that reads "City of Ypsilanti," overflowing with empty cardboard food boxes and plastic milk jugs.
  • The green number ":23" glowing on the microwave where the time should be.

10 "Treasures":

  • "Someone will remember us I say even in another time." --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (147)
  • "As long as you want." --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (45)
  • "And on the eyes of black sleep of night." --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (151)
  • "With what eyes?" --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (162)
  • "Whiter by far than an egg." --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (167)
  • "Spangled is the earth with her crowns." --Sappho, from If Not, Winter by Anne Carson (168C)
  • "People dull their wits with gibberish, and cannot use their ears and eyes." --Heraclitus, Fragments (4)
  • "From the strain of binding opposites comes harmony." --Heraclitus, Fragments (46)
  • "The way up is the way back." --Heraclitus, Fragments (69)
  • "Applicants for wisdom do what I have done: inquire within." --Heraclitus, Fragments (80)

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