Shakespeare & Company bookstore, Paris, France

Sunday, March 7, 2010

10's, Week 7

10 "Verbal Photographs":
  • Hand to dog's ears to dog's back to French fries to mouth to jeans. Repeat. Hand back to mouth, this time one finger at a time.
  • The collection of snowflakes melting on your dark brown hair and big blue scarf as you walk through the door.
  • Countless bare, brown trees sprouting up through the snow-covered, round Pennsylvania mountains, like hair on a scalp.
  • Buildings covered in bright LCD screens, flashing advertisements for several blocks. Banner atop of sign atop of LCD screen.
  • Three slips of white paper, each with numbers and punched holes, clipped to the back of the seat ahead.
  • An abandoned 18-wheeler resting on its side in a snowy ditch, like an animal carcass.
  • Five Chihuahua puppies wrestling through mountains of shredded paper in a glass window that reads: "Le Petit Puppy," hand painted in gold letters.
  • The golden sun shines through the gutter's bars revealing a collection of things long lost: a pair of sunglasses, some bracelets, pens, markers, lids, gum in the mold of a particular set of teeth, plastic wrappers, a metro card, cigarette butts, and plastic utensils.
  • A window of mannequin heads, wearing wigs in all colors: from brown to pink to green.
  • A crinkled-up, blue umbrella broken and forlorn in a pile of snow.

10 "Treasures":

  • "Because we dream of where we walk and walk to where we dream, we are always lost." --Guy Maddin, My Winnipeg
  • "My father died, with nothing left to do, he died." --Guy Maddin, My Winnipeg
  • "Back to the task of disentangling myself from this town." --Guy Maddin, My Winnipeg
  • "Quickly covered up by the forgetfulness of our snow." --Guy Maddin, My Winnipeg
  • "Everything that happens in this town is a euphemism." --Guy Maddin, My Winnipeg
  • "IF I JUMP I THINK I CAN MAKE IT." --Peter Vidani, "Not Quite"
  • "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." --Dr. Carl Sagan
  • "You've lost your muchness." --Johnny Depp (as the mad hatter) in Alice in Wonderland
  • "Leave my head demagnetized; tell me where the trauma lies: in the scan of pathogen or the shadow of my sin." --Charlotte Gainsbourg, lyrics from "IRM"
  • "And these songs that you sing, do they mean anything to the people you're singing them to, people like you." --Charlotte Gainsbourg, lyrics from "The Songs That We Sing"

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