Shakespeare & Company bookstore, Paris, France

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Place Narrative

My Sanctuary

You are a place that goes places. Never in the same stationary spot--in fact, it'd be odd if you were. Two doors for access and windows to spare. Your blazing blue exterior causes many to stare, while your gray insides bring comfort. The warm sun trapped by your lid, envelops me. Many come and go inside your warm embrace, but no one as much as I. I see you nearly every day to make barter. My songs and care for your services. You gladly accept, as always.

Strangers judge you by your nationality, but I don't mind. You have seen many places and taken me with you. You are strong and you are fast. No stranger to the elements you stand tough and endure. Daily you provide me with a sanctuary to meditate or share with you my vocal abilities (both good and bad).

At times I use you in vain, but it's only temporary--if I could, I would be the only one in this plac, because you are my place. No matter who I share you with, you are mine. Others have places like you, but you are you and you are mine and together we can conquer anything.

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